Friday, April 10, 2020

Altered State

An altered state of being. With gloom of the city skies, one police helicopter looms above. I hear nothing but that helicopter. I wave when they fly low and above me. I know they can see me. Their camera is on the floor of the copter. They see everything and nothing right now. They fly around looking for misbehaving. But there is none.

The streets are empty at noon as I accelerate the beast beneath me. She purrs like a tame bull, on her way to an unknown stance. Its all a stance There is nothing in this desolation. I see random cars driving about, but no one cares. There is no destination that is apparent. I see one black beast, and we wave, than another red beast with no acknowledgment.  If you must know, Corvette owners have a traditional wave when passing. I miss those daily waves, but I got one today! That makes me happy. Simple things have always produced a smile.

Where is the April warmth and the sunny days laying poolside in 80 degree weather?

World, I miss you.

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Looks like I will have to make a trip to the strip soon. I pretty much grew up at the Tropicana Hotel. It was my first big show on the strip...